
laser hair reduction

It’s hard to shave your own back, so ditch the razor and let us help you remove your hair with the power of lasers.

With over 35,000 treatments and 24 years experience, we have the skill set to help you get smooth. From your unibrow to your hairy toes – we’ve got you covered.

About Laser Hair Reduction

Did you know that research shows that at least 46% of men actively remove body hair either by shaving, waxing or by lasers.

Shaving body areas can often turn you into a human pumice stone, unless you shave daily, and who has time for that?

Waxing can often lead to acne breakouts and acne on the body is way harder to get under control!

Though you need to be patient for the results with laser hair reduction – the results are definitely worth it. Dr. Braun brought Laser Hair Reduction to Vancouver in 1996 and we have been excelling in reducing the hair of Vancouverites ever since. With the most current technology, we can help you be as hair free as possible with little to no effort – other than coming in to see us!

We have become the “go to” place for safe and effective laser hair reduction for men and women from West Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, Surrey and Delta and throughout all of British Columbia. Our technicians have advanced training in medical aesthetics and overseen by our Medical Director, Dr. Martin Braun to ensure optimal safety during our laser hair removal treatments.


  • Safe, effective, no downtime
  • Relatively painless using multiple passes with lower energy technology
  • An average reduction of 80% or more
  • Any remaining body hair that is resistant to the laser becomes finer and softer
  • Safe for all skin types

Areas we can treat

  • Chest
  • Legs
  • Back
  • Neck
  • Groin
  • Toes
  • Unibrow
  • Arms
  • Under arms
  • Fingers
  • Ears
  • Abdomen

How It Works

We use the Fotona® high performance Nd:YAG laser system for reducing unwanted hair. This technology is safe to use on all skin types and is actually the same customizable laser system we use for laser skin resurfacing. The Nd:YAG wavelength is the longest wavelength available that can target the deepest hair follicles. It is also the safest wavelength for darker skin types. The laser targets the pigmentation in the hair follicle while leaving the surrounding tissues unaffected. Generally resulting in semi-permanent hair removal.

Dr. Braun pioneered the way laser hair reduction was performed by making the treatment a much more comfortable experience. In 2009 he published the world’s first study demonstrating that multiple passes with lower energy is just as effective as the traditional high energy, single pass method that was previously practiced.

Dr. Braun is driven by patient comfort and experience without sacrificing your satisfaction with results.

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What to expect


10 minutes to 1 hour depending on the treatment area

Recommended Sessions

Face: every 4 – 6 weeks

Body: every 6 – 8 weeks

After Treatment Care

Avoid sauna’s & hot showers for 24 hours

Areas We Can Treat

  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Stomach
  • Neck
  • Back
  • Hands
  • Toes
  • Under arms
  • Bikini
  • Buttocks
  • Unibrow
  • Chin
  • Upper lip
  • Chest

Come in today for a consultation.

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How many treatments do I need to be hair free? 

As the hair follicle grows in stages, hair reduction is a process that requires regular treatments spaced approximately 6 to 8 weeks apart. The amount of laser hair reduction depends largely on the patient’s skin and hair type.

How does laser hair reduction work? 

The Nd:YAG Laser is a light at a specific wave length that is absorbed by pigment (colour) in the hairs’ follicle which then heats and destroys the follicle so it can not grow another hair. The lighter the skin and the darker the hair, generally, the greater the reduction.

I just waxed my upper lip, can I still have a laser hair reduction treatment? 

When hair is in the dormant phase it has very little pigmentation which makes it insufficient to absorb the light energy needed to destroy the follicle. Only the actively growing hair can be penetrated therefore we recommend waiting 4 – 6 weeks in between each laser hair reduction treatment and after any waxing or plucking treatment to ensure optimal results.