
Mens Treatments

Part of feeling good is looking good.

Putting your best face forward starts with a great skincare routine, but let’s face it, creams don’t always cut it. You deserve great skin—not to mention great hair and a great body—and that’s what our team is here to assist you with. Our discreet and professional service has everything you need to look your best on the outside and in turn feel amazing on the inside.

Our doctors and skincare specialists have designed custom treatment plans just for men to help you preserve your what you have or turn back the clock a few years. Whatever you’re looking for, we have a non-surgical option to help you look your best with very little downtime.

Popular Treatments

Dermal Filler

As facial anatomy differs between men and women so does the treatment plan we create. Where a woman may desire softness and fullness a man may seek definition in their jawline or chin to accentuate a sculpted, more masculine look.
Trust us, it WILL look natural!

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Wrinkle Relaxing Injections

The frozen face is only popular in the Housewives series. At R·MEDYᴹᴰ Aesthetics, we much prefer the natural look. The temporary result of a neuromodulator is virtually undetectable but it can take years off your face. These same neuromodulators can also be used to address excessive sweating with amazing results.

P.S. You will still look like you – just more relaxed.

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Did you know that by age 35, over 2/3 of men experience some form of hair loss or hair thinning. PRP is a non-surgical solution to preserve what you have and restore what you have lost. It is simple, safe and with no downtime, unlike surgical options.
A year from now you will wish you had started today.

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Excessive Sweating

Ditch the chemicals and opt for a longer lasting solution. Medical injections for sweating can reduce excessive sweating in the under arms, forehead, palms and scalp for up to 6 months.
Stop dodging handshakes, take off your suit jacket without fear and live a practically sweat free life.

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All Treatments

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