Precisely contour and shape your jawline with Lipodissolve, the non-surgical solution for pinch-able fat.
Submental fat (a.k.a the double chin), is an extremely common condition and you do not have to be overweight to have it.
Eliminate the barriers of genetics, weight gain and aging with one of our tried and tested treatments. Freeze the fat or dissolve it – we can help you determine the best option for your unwanted extra chin, or two!
When your love handles and muffin top have taken over in spite of your strict Keto diet – Coolsculpting® is the answer! Kill fat cells for good and get back into the clothes you love.
Precisely contour and sculpt almost any part of your body with Lipodissolve/Mesotherapy, the non-surgical solution.
Bank your collagen to prevent, or boost your collagen to correct. What ever your motivation, Ultherapy® is the Gold Standard in non-surgical skin tightening. As the #1 Ultherapy® provider in North America and the exclusive clinical training centre – your collagen is in expert hands.