Mask Off and Masque On for Summer!

April 21, 2022

Disclaimer: This post was created after recent news surrounding the fact that the mask mandate was lifted and does not reflect Vancouver Laser’s current Covid19 safety protocol. Our staff will continue to wear masks to ensure that all our patients feel safe and comfortable. 

Summer is fast approaching, and (for some) the masks are beginning to come off! That means we need to level up our skin care routines in time for the warmer weather!

So read on to find out which mask will work best to help kickstart your skin in time for summer vacay!

Complexion Clearing Masque by ZO

This Complexion Clearing Masque by ZO is the arch-nemesis of congested skin because it absorbs oil and detoxifies like nothing else! A staple for all staff at Vancouver Laser, we tend to use this mask as a spot treatment! So apply it in the morning and watch as even some of your most stubborn pimples are calmed down over the course of the entire day.

HOT TIP: Personally, I dot my pimples with some of this blue mask before bed and let it sink in overnight!

SkinCeuticals Clarifying Clay Masque

You deserve clear skin, and your skin deserves this SkinCeurticals Clarifying Masque! This mask contains the highest quality of earth clays to help detoxify and calm your skin.

A bonus? This mask also contains hydroxy acid- helping to exfoliate your skin, making it smoother and more radiant over time!

BONUS ~ Check out the top 6 benefits of clay masks below:

1) Exfoliates skin

2) Minimizes pores 

3) Prevents Breakouts 

4) Mattifies Skin

5) Boosts Skin Glow

6) Balances skin’s oil production 

Valmont Prime Renewing Pack

Do you believe in miracles? Well, you will after trying the Valmont Prime Renewing Pack! This mask is heaven in a jar, erasing common signs of fatigue by filling in wrinkles and giving your complexion an instant refresher! 

Valmont Regenerating Mask Treatment  

Few times do we ever come across a product that makes you look years younger in just 30 minutes – but then the Valmont Regenerating Mask came into our lives! and we’re convinced they’ve found the fountain of youth! 

Valmont DETO2X Pack

Studies show that air pollution has a serious effect on the quality of our skin. In fact, pollutants such as cigarette smoke, dust, smog, vehicle exhaust etc. can cause skin irritation, wrinkles, decreased elasticity, and accelerate the entire aging process! That’s why we love the fact that the Valmont DETO2X Pack helps rid skin of all impurities in just 10 minutes flat. Need more convincing? It also has a lovely scent!

Dr. Martin Braun Miracle Hydro Mask

Would you like your makeup to glide on and look natural not cakey? If so, you NEED this mask. The Dr. Martin Braun Miracle Hydro Mask delivers long lasting moisture and has a lovely weight to it (It is made up of a jelly sheet mask material – just like the ones you see in Korean dramas!) 

SkinCeuticals Phyto Corrective Masque 

As we all know red means stop, and green means go. So, if you want to go out again without slathering on half a tube of concealer – we think you’re going to love the SkinCeuticals Phyto Corrective Masque! Containing cucumber, thyme, and olive leaf extracts, this mask calms red, irritated, and itchy skin and helps restore natural radiance.

People will stop to ask what your beauty secret is!

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Mask Off and Masque On for Summer!